2014年11月10日 星期一

全港首屆「她‧敢於改變 真人圖書館」圓滿舉行!The First Ever "She Dares to Change Human Library" Held Successfully !

我們在2015年11月9日舉行了首次「她。敢於改變 真人圖書館」活動,邀請了8本「真人圖書」包括:一樓一性工作者、女同志、外籍家務工、照顧者、跨性別人士、新移民婦女、社運份子,與超過60位「讀者」直接對話,分享不一樣的生命故事。讓邊緣的聲音被聽見,消除偏見和歧視。活動又吸引得各大媒體報導。(更多相片





Burdened with all sorts of prejudices, the situation of marginalized women became distorted and invisible. And issuse of poverity, discrimination, violence, and deprivation of right to civil participation still remain unsolved and even worsening.

To combat these prejudices, HER fund co-organised an event called “She Dares to Change Human Library” with City University of Hong Kong, Applied
Social Sciences. Eight women from our grantee’ organisations were invited to share their life stories with more than 60 “readers” directly. The event attracted diverse of media coverage. You may see more photos here.

Post-reading sharing by some “readers”:

“Glad to have chances to ask sexual minorities questions, a rare experience!”

“I learnt how to get along with different people and accept our differences.”

“Carers have their own perseverance, hope, and concern for the community.”